For Students: Information about Nuku
In November 2022, we stopped using Blackboard to deliver courses and content online, and started using Nuku, our new online learning platform.
We like to think of Nuku as like an online campus. For most students, Nuku will complement and support your face-to-face learning, and for online-only students, Nuku is the portal for all your learning.
What is Nuku?
Nuku is the name for our learning platform, or online learning environment. We like to think of it as our online campus. The idea of Nuku is a little bit conceptual, as it’s not just one tool but a collection of tools that have been connected together.
The Canvas learning management system (LMS) is the central tool in Nuku, alongside these other digital learning and teaching tools like Panopto, Talis, or Turnitin (among others). Many of these tools are connected so that you use them together at the same time within your course, and it should feel seamless.
Here is a short video (3:40) introducing Canvas, the central tool in Nuku.
We like to think of Nuku as like an online campus. For most students, Nuku will complement and support your face-to-face learning, and for online-only students, Nuku is the portal for all your learning.
What is Nuku?
Nuku is the name for our learning platform, or online learning environment. We like to think of it as our online campus. The idea of Nuku is a little bit conceptual, as it’s not just one tool but a collection of tools that have been connected together.
The Canvas learning management system (LMS) is the central tool in Nuku, alongside these other digital learning and teaching tools like Panopto, Talis, or Turnitin (among others). Many of these tools are connected so that you use them together at the same time within your course, and it should feel seamless.
Here is a short video (3:40) introducing Canvas, the central tool in Nuku.
How do I access Nuku?
You can access it by using the Nuku link on the university website banner; the Nuku button in the my tools menu in Pūaha; or by going directly to
You will need to use your university email address and password to sign in. If you are unable to sign in, please contact the Digital Solutions service desk by phone +64 4 463 5050, email [email protected], or via webchat.
When will I see my courses in Nuku?
Courses become visible to students one week before the course start date. This is so you can review course information and get ready before your course starts, if you wish to do so.
If you enrolled the week before the course start date, or after the course start date, the course should appear within 48 hours of accepting your Enrolment Agreement. This is because it takes a little bit of time for your information to go through our systems into Canvas, which drives Nuku.
Is Blackboard gone now?
Almost. There are a very small number of students still completing courses in Blackboard, and nearly all of these will be done by the end of March 2023. A small number of University staff will still have access to Blackboard for administrative purposes for a few months after this.
What are the most obvious differences between Blackboard and Nuku?
The biggest change with Nuku is with the learning management system, Canvas. It will guide you through course modules sequentially, and all your course content and assignments will be embedded within the modules they relate to, as well as being easily accessible from the course navigation menu. You will also be able to see a list of your upcoming tasks and assignments across all your courses on your dashboard or view them in the calendar.
Students who have used Nuku have commented on the more attractive interface and accessibility features.
Where can I get instructions or guides on how to use Nuku?
On the global navigation menu, click on the Help & Info button to open a menu of useful resources, including the Student Learning Support Course Catalog where you can self-enrol in support courses.
You can also click the yellow support button that floats on top of the global navigation menu. This will give you a pop-up ‘in-context’ help menu that is related to the page you are on when you click it. For example, if you are on the calendar page when you click the support button, it will give you calendar tips.
Who can I go to for help with Nuku?
If you’re confused about something in your course which relates to your learning—such as if you can’t see a resource you have been told is there, or you can’t interact with an assignment or quiz—please contact the appropriate person in your course teaching team first. You should check your course welcome page for who to contact and the best way to reach them.
If you experience a technical issue with Canvas or any of the other tools in Nuku, please contact the Digital Solutions Service Desk by phone +64 4 463 5050, email [email protected], or via webchat.
Will Canvas work with my internet browser?
Canvas works best with Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. For best results, make sure you have the latest browser version installed on your device. People using Microsoft Edge and Apple Safari have reported issues, so we do not recommend these browsers. Check your browser.
Is there an app for phones and tablets?
There is! You can download the Canvas Student app for free from the Apple Store or Google Play. You can also easily login to the app using a QR code by going to your Nuku dashboard on your computer, go to profile and bring up the Mobile app QR to scan with your phone.
Can I access Nuku and Canvas from outside of New Zealand?
Yes – one of the reasons we chose Canvas is because it’s widely supported internationally. If you do experience issues connecting from overseas, contact the Digital Solutions service desk by phone +64 4 463 5050, email [email protected], or via webchat.
My teacher told me that my course doesn’t use Nuku, so why do I have a course card for it on my dashboard?
If your teacher has confirmed that you’re not using Nuku, and the course on Nuku is empty or has no content, then this is just a “shell” that has been automatically created by our systems. You can hide this from your dashboard so that it doesn’t clutter your view.
This is most likely to occur if you’re an Engineering and Computer Science student, or a postgraduate thesis or research student. If you are concerned or confused about this, you should check-in with your course coordinator.
I’ve withdrawn from a course. Why is it still on my dashboard and can I make it go away?
Sometimes it takes time for information about withdrawals or cancellations to filter through our enrolment and course management systems into Canvas, which drives Nuku. These course cards should eventually disappear when this happens, but in the meantime, you can hide it from your dashboard so that it doesn’t clutter your view.
Can I contact my teacher or tutor through Nuku?
Yes, you can send and reply to messages from your course teachers and tutors through the Canvas inbox function. However, we strongly recommend that you also check your course welcome module to see if your teachers have provided information about the best way to contact them.
Can I sync my Nuku calendar to my personal calendar?
Yes, you can feed your Canvas Calendar events into your other calendars such as Google Calendar, Outlook, and iCal. This is a one-way feed that pushes the events and appointments from your Nuku calendar into your chosen calendar only. It does not import events from external calendars into your Nuku calendar.
Where is my lecture timetable? I can't see it in my Nuku calendar.
The timetable for your lectures and other centrally scheduled activities you've signed up for, such as tutorials, labs and studios, is in Pūaha.
The Nuku calendar only display things like assignments, quizzes and other course tasks that have been built into your Nuku courses.
Can I choose my preferred pronouns in Nuku?
Yes, you can choose your pronouns through your Canvas account settings. The selected pronouns will appear after your name in Nuku.
I’m getting too many notification emails from Nuku. Can I change the frequency?
Yes, you can manage your notification settings, including frequency and method, in your Canvas account settings. You can also modify notification settings for individual courses.
It is possible to turn off notifications, but please think very carefully before you do this, particularly if you don’t log in regularly. Your teachers, and occasionally other people in the university, will use Nuku to send course announcements and communicate with you, and you might miss important information.
Nuku sends notification emails to my myvuw email, which I never check. Can I change that?
Canvas uses your University email as the default so that all the other tools in Nuku all recognise you and work properly together. If this is not your preferred email address to receive notifications, we recommend setting up an automatic email forward from your university address to your preferred address. Instructions for how to do this are in the Office 365 module of the MyTech course in Nuku.
You can also add a preferred address in your Canvas account settings, but some Gmail users have had issues with this so we don't recommend it.
I'm not getting any email notifications from Nuku. What do I need to check?
In Canvas, you should check your notification settings and ensure it is set to send you email notifications at the times of your choosing. In your email app or webmail, you should check your junk folder and ensure that "[email protected]" is marked as a safe sender.
By default, email notifications from Nuku will go to your address. If this is not your preferred email address, we recommend setting up an automatic email forward from your university address to your preferred address. Instructions for how to do this are in the Office 365 module of the MyTech course in Nuku.
If you continue to have an issue or need help checking your settings, please contact the Digital Solutions Service Desk by phone +64 4 463 5050, email [email protected], or via webchat.
Can I use Nuku in Te Reo Māori?
Yes, there is a Te Reo Māori language pack, and you can select it in your Canvas account settings. Selecting Te Reo Māori will display the interface (menus, buttons, navigation, application text, etc.) in Te Reo, but it will not translate the content of your course, which will remain in its original language. There is a separate immersive reader tool that can be used to translate course content.
Can I use Nuku in other languages?
Yes. The full list of supported languages is here, and you can select your preferred language in your Canvas account settings. Selecting a different language pack will display the interface (menus, buttons, navigation, application text, etc.) in your chosen language. It will not translate the content of your course, which will remain in its original language. There is a separate immersive reader tool that can be used to translate course content.
Page last updated 08/03/2023
You can access it by using the Nuku link on the university website banner; the Nuku button in the my tools menu in Pūaha; or by going directly to
You will need to use your university email address and password to sign in. If you are unable to sign in, please contact the Digital Solutions service desk by phone +64 4 463 5050, email [email protected], or via webchat.
When will I see my courses in Nuku?
Courses become visible to students one week before the course start date. This is so you can review course information and get ready before your course starts, if you wish to do so.
If you enrolled the week before the course start date, or after the course start date, the course should appear within 48 hours of accepting your Enrolment Agreement. This is because it takes a little bit of time for your information to go through our systems into Canvas, which drives Nuku.
Is Blackboard gone now?
Almost. There are a very small number of students still completing courses in Blackboard, and nearly all of these will be done by the end of March 2023. A small number of University staff will still have access to Blackboard for administrative purposes for a few months after this.
What are the most obvious differences between Blackboard and Nuku?
The biggest change with Nuku is with the learning management system, Canvas. It will guide you through course modules sequentially, and all your course content and assignments will be embedded within the modules they relate to, as well as being easily accessible from the course navigation menu. You will also be able to see a list of your upcoming tasks and assignments across all your courses on your dashboard or view them in the calendar.
Students who have used Nuku have commented on the more attractive interface and accessibility features.
Where can I get instructions or guides on how to use Nuku?
On the global navigation menu, click on the Help & Info button to open a menu of useful resources, including the Student Learning Support Course Catalog where you can self-enrol in support courses.
You can also click the yellow support button that floats on top of the global navigation menu. This will give you a pop-up ‘in-context’ help menu that is related to the page you are on when you click it. For example, if you are on the calendar page when you click the support button, it will give you calendar tips.
Who can I go to for help with Nuku?
If you’re confused about something in your course which relates to your learning—such as if you can’t see a resource you have been told is there, or you can’t interact with an assignment or quiz—please contact the appropriate person in your course teaching team first. You should check your course welcome page for who to contact and the best way to reach them.
If you experience a technical issue with Canvas or any of the other tools in Nuku, please contact the Digital Solutions Service Desk by phone +64 4 463 5050, email [email protected], or via webchat.
Will Canvas work with my internet browser?
Canvas works best with Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. For best results, make sure you have the latest browser version installed on your device. People using Microsoft Edge and Apple Safari have reported issues, so we do not recommend these browsers. Check your browser.
Is there an app for phones and tablets?
There is! You can download the Canvas Student app for free from the Apple Store or Google Play. You can also easily login to the app using a QR code by going to your Nuku dashboard on your computer, go to profile and bring up the Mobile app QR to scan with your phone.
Can I access Nuku and Canvas from outside of New Zealand?
Yes – one of the reasons we chose Canvas is because it’s widely supported internationally. If you do experience issues connecting from overseas, contact the Digital Solutions service desk by phone +64 4 463 5050, email [email protected], or via webchat.
My teacher told me that my course doesn’t use Nuku, so why do I have a course card for it on my dashboard?
If your teacher has confirmed that you’re not using Nuku, and the course on Nuku is empty or has no content, then this is just a “shell” that has been automatically created by our systems. You can hide this from your dashboard so that it doesn’t clutter your view.
This is most likely to occur if you’re an Engineering and Computer Science student, or a postgraduate thesis or research student. If you are concerned or confused about this, you should check-in with your course coordinator.
I’ve withdrawn from a course. Why is it still on my dashboard and can I make it go away?
Sometimes it takes time for information about withdrawals or cancellations to filter through our enrolment and course management systems into Canvas, which drives Nuku. These course cards should eventually disappear when this happens, but in the meantime, you can hide it from your dashboard so that it doesn’t clutter your view.
Can I contact my teacher or tutor through Nuku?
Yes, you can send and reply to messages from your course teachers and tutors through the Canvas inbox function. However, we strongly recommend that you also check your course welcome module to see if your teachers have provided information about the best way to contact them.
Can I sync my Nuku calendar to my personal calendar?
Yes, you can feed your Canvas Calendar events into your other calendars such as Google Calendar, Outlook, and iCal. This is a one-way feed that pushes the events and appointments from your Nuku calendar into your chosen calendar only. It does not import events from external calendars into your Nuku calendar.
Where is my lecture timetable? I can't see it in my Nuku calendar.
The timetable for your lectures and other centrally scheduled activities you've signed up for, such as tutorials, labs and studios, is in Pūaha.
The Nuku calendar only display things like assignments, quizzes and other course tasks that have been built into your Nuku courses.
Can I choose my preferred pronouns in Nuku?
Yes, you can choose your pronouns through your Canvas account settings. The selected pronouns will appear after your name in Nuku.
I’m getting too many notification emails from Nuku. Can I change the frequency?
Yes, you can manage your notification settings, including frequency and method, in your Canvas account settings. You can also modify notification settings for individual courses.
It is possible to turn off notifications, but please think very carefully before you do this, particularly if you don’t log in regularly. Your teachers, and occasionally other people in the university, will use Nuku to send course announcements and communicate with you, and you might miss important information.
Nuku sends notification emails to my myvuw email, which I never check. Can I change that?
Canvas uses your University email as the default so that all the other tools in Nuku all recognise you and work properly together. If this is not your preferred email address to receive notifications, we recommend setting up an automatic email forward from your university address to your preferred address. Instructions for how to do this are in the Office 365 module of the MyTech course in Nuku.
You can also add a preferred address in your Canvas account settings, but some Gmail users have had issues with this so we don't recommend it.
I'm not getting any email notifications from Nuku. What do I need to check?
In Canvas, you should check your notification settings and ensure it is set to send you email notifications at the times of your choosing. In your email app or webmail, you should check your junk folder and ensure that "[email protected]" is marked as a safe sender.
By default, email notifications from Nuku will go to your address. If this is not your preferred email address, we recommend setting up an automatic email forward from your university address to your preferred address. Instructions for how to do this are in the Office 365 module of the MyTech course in Nuku.
If you continue to have an issue or need help checking your settings, please contact the Digital Solutions Service Desk by phone +64 4 463 5050, email [email protected], or via webchat.
Can I use Nuku in Te Reo Māori?
Yes, there is a Te Reo Māori language pack, and you can select it in your Canvas account settings. Selecting Te Reo Māori will display the interface (menus, buttons, navigation, application text, etc.) in Te Reo, but it will not translate the content of your course, which will remain in its original language. There is a separate immersive reader tool that can be used to translate course content.
Can I use Nuku in other languages?
Yes. The full list of supported languages is here, and you can select your preferred language in your Canvas account settings. Selecting a different language pack will display the interface (menus, buttons, navigation, application text, etc.) in your chosen language. It will not translate the content of your course, which will remain in its original language. There is a separate immersive reader tool that can be used to translate course content.
Page last updated 08/03/2023